Video: Between The Two Red Queens Card Trick - Performance + Tutorial !!!
Here is the Tutorial...
Step 1 : No Setting is Required to perform this trick.Step 2 : 1st just remove any 13 cards from the deck and two red queens total 15 cards two red queens and 13 random cards.
Step 3 : Now separate the two red queens from these 15 cards and tell the spectator to choose any card from these remaining 13 cards.
Step 4 : Now after he choose the card tell him to drop your selected card on top of these 13 cards.
Step 5 : Now shuffle the cards but in this shuffle you need to control the cards the top card is the one which spectator selected or choose you just need to shuffle the cards in the way that this card will goes down to the bottom example the 1st card of the pile goes down to the bottom card on the pile.
Step 6 : Now pick the two red queens and set them in top and bottom of this 13 cards pile but remember one thing set them face up.
Step 7 : i will upload a screen shot how you set queens after spectator choose a card.

Step 9 : Now the name of this trick is "Between the two red queens" so now just drop the cards one by one with this card trick name.
Step 10 : 1st word of this trick is "between" so you drop the cards in the way b e t w e e n and then the remaining cards on top.
Step 11 : the next word is "The" drop t h e remaining again on top. do this all the words and in the end after you done this there is one card between the two red queens and that is is the card which spectator selected.
Step : 12 Hope yoy Enjoy this Tutorial.